JerHigh Duo Stick-牛奶士多啤梨夾心雞肉條 50g
JerHigh Duo Stick-牛奶士多啤梨夾心雞肉條 50g
低脂肪產品, 令你的愛犬體態更好及精力充沛;
蛋白質成份多, 強化肌肉功能;
維生素和礦物質幫助你的愛犬加強身體免疫系統, 使身體機能運作正常、滋養皮膚、毛髮、牙齒及眼睛;
鈣和亞磷是你的愛犬骨骼成長的基本元素, 幫助他們的骨頭結構更強壯;
是獎勵愛犬的最佳禮物, 又代表你對愛犬的愛。
Milky with Strawberry Stick
JerHigh Chicken with Cheese Stick is a premium snack comes in 2 flavor in 1 stick that made by chicken and cheese. Which filled Inulin help to regulate digestive system, vitamin E help anti oxidation and cheese which help build strong bone and teeth, and many nutrients for man’s best friend needs to stay healthy and happy by stick form, it is convenient for you to feed while easy for your dog to eat.
JerHigh Chicken with Cheese Stick is made from real chicken meat and has been meticulously prepared by our highly experienced expert team. It has been researched and tested in the laboratory, and is filled with all of the man’s best nutrients. You can rest assured that JerHigh Chicken with Cheese Stick is the perfect reward that your favorite canine deserves.
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